2024 CrossFit Quarterfinals

2024 quarterfinals crossfit

What are the Quarterfinals?

After completing the CrossFit Open, the top 25% of individual athletes in each age group and 25% of teams will progress to the Quarterfinals. This is an online qualifier for the Semifinals, the final checkpoint to the CrossFit Games. Quarterfinalists are asked to complete grueling tests over 6 days to advance to Semifinals.

Important dates:

  • Team Quarterfinal
    Registration: April 1st
    Competition: April 3 – April 8
    Duration: 6 days
    Price: $100
    Leaderboard finalized: April 15th
  • Individual Quarterfinal
    Registration: April 1st
    Competition: April 17 – 22
    Duration: 6 days
    Price: $50
    Leaderboard finalized: April 29th
  • Age-Group Quarterfinal
    Registration: April 1st
    Competition: April 17 – 22
    Duration: 6 days
    Price: $50
    Leaderboard finalized: May 1st

How it works

CrossFit HQ sends out invitations to qualifying athletes via email for this phase of the competition. The tests in this phase are more advanced and demanding than the Open workouts, being released at 12 p.m. PT (8 p.m. GMT+1) on the first day of competition. To participate, athletes must submit their scores for specific workouts along with a video within one of two 48-hour windows.

Score Submission Windows for Individual athletes

  • The first window will be from: Wednesday, April 17, at 12 p.m. PT until Saturday, April 20, at 5 p.m. PT.
  • The second window will be from: Saturday, April 20, at 5 p.m. PT until Monday, April 22, at 5 p.m. PT.
YouTube video
YouTube video

The Tests

Individual Quarterfinals

4 rounds for max reps of:

1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest

โ™€ 85-lb (38 kg) barbell, 35-lb (15 kg) dumbbells, 20-inch box 
โ™‚ 135-lb (61kg) barbell, 50-lb (22.5 kg) dumbbells, 20-inch box


YouTube video

3 rounds for time of:

50 wall-ball shots
50 lateral burpee box jump-overs

Time cap: 20 minutes

โ™€ 14-lb (6-kg) medicine ball, 9-foot target, 20-inch box 
โ™‚ 20-lb (9-kg) medicine ball, 10-foot target, 24-inch box


YouTube video

For time:

3 rounds:
10 handstand push-ups
20 toes-to-bars

2 rounds:
10 strict handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs,15 feet

1 round:
10 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
20 muscle-ups

Time cap: 15 minutes


YouTube video

With a continually running clock, complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 clean and jerks, weight 1

   Rest 1 minute

10 clean and jerks, weight 2

   Rest 1 minute

10 clean and jerks, weight 3

   Rest 1 minute

Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4

โ™€ 85, 125, 155, 165 lb (38, 56, 70, 75 kg)

โ™‚ 135, 185, 225, 245 lb (61, 83, 102, 111 kg)


YouTube video

Strategy Guide for individual QF

First thoughts:

Workout 1: A โ€œlongerโ€ workout that plays towards athletes with good conditioning capacity. Interval style; 12 min of total work with 3 min of total rest, itโ€™s important to keep in mind that you will do 4 rounds and manage reps from the beginning so you can keep a high volume of reps in the whole workout.

Workout 2: A tough couplet that is going to test athletesโ€™ ability to ride the red line. You need to know your capacity here and likely start softer than you would like.

Workout 3: Will play towards gymnastic biased athletes. Capacity on the muscle ups will play a big role here, the exercises before will fatigue your pulling and pushing muscles so expect to feel the muscle ups a little bit harder, and if you know that itโ€™s a weakness for you, break the HSPU and TTB.

Workout 4: Will favour the big lifters and technically efficient athletes. Quick set-ups will be key here; there's no room for rests or long set-ups between each lift. 10 min will go by quickly. 

Suggested workout order:

There are many options to choose from in the workout order, we have placed some ideas below:

4-1-2-3 (For athletes who struggle with strength)

3-1-2-4 (For athletes who struggle with gymnastics)

1-2-3-4 (For well rounded athletes who arent looking to redo)

Ultimately you want to aim to do your โ€œweakestโ€ workout first to be fresh and also have the option of a redo. As we have a large submission deadline, there may be the option to redo 2 or more of the workouts in this time. 

Workout 2 could most likely have the highest interference effect towards Workout 3 or 4, so if you are unsure about either of these 2 it is best to do them before 2.

Post workout nutrition and recovery:

For optimal post-workout recovery, aim to consume 60-90 grams of simple carbohydrates and 20-30 grams of protein within the initial 15 to 30 minutes following each workout. If you experience significant sweating,  consider adding 1-2 grams of table salt. For a smoother transition from the heightened state of exercise to a resting state, we recommend 5-10 minutes of light cyclical activity, e.g. bike erg at a low damper.

First Thoughts:

This workout has the tendency to be grippy, you are going to have to know your body well. Ultimately it is just 12 minutes of work and ultimately each rep will count, so you have to ride the border from the start. The 1 minute of rest helps, but you can't rely on it to recover.

Warm up:

General Warm Up:

Use 5 min on a rower to get the blood flowing

Then 3 rounds of

5 Jefferson curls with rotation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjcp9-DBy_Q

10 BTN push press with snatch grip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ_2aH07bMU

10 box step overs (body weight): Get used to the rhythm you are going to use in the WOD. 

Movement specific warm up:

Snatch warm up

2 Rounds of

5 Snatch deadlifts

5 Snatch Pulls

5 Muscle snatch

5 power snatch

Empty barbell for first round

Add 10-20 kg for second round

Box step up warm up

3 rounds of 10 reps 

1st = 2x 10/7,5 kg

2nd = 2x 15/10 kg

3rd = 2x 22,5/15 kg

Find you rhythm

Pacing strategy:

For most athletes it will be quick singles on the snatches, followed by a swift transition to the rower at the 50 to 55 second mark. Ideally start rowing as the minute begins. While you want to push the pace on the row, avoid going complete all-out. Be smart about your transition to the box step-ups, roll-over calories do not count, therefore donโ€™t waste any effort.

Specific movement strategies:


  • Find the right balance between cycle rate and fatigue management
  • Be efficient with your set up, i.e. both hands on the bar at the same time, start to lift immediately as you bend over


  • Donโ€™t waste any time getting to your first calorie, every pull you do on the rower counts
  • Transitions on and off the rower matter, make sure your straps are set up for easy mount and dismount
  • Get your stroke rate up on the final rounds, especially as you start losing power in the pull

DB Box step ups

  • Keep a consistent rhythm and keep working through the minute
  • Focus on quick feet as long as your legs are fresh
  • Use a swinging motion with the DBs as your legs start to fatigue

For the best:

Consider doing at least some touch and go snatches at the start of every round and even more important stay disciplined with your rest breaks during the snatches. Quick tap with the second foot at the top of the box directly into the next rep on the step ups. Expect the workout to hurt and donโ€™t shy away from going to the pain cave.

Equipment needed:

85-lb/38 kg barbell

2x 35-lb/15 kg dumbbells
20-inch box

135-lb/61 kg barbell 

2x 50-lb/22.5 kg dumbbells
20-inch box

Rules to remember:

Set up the box or rower further than 5 feet away from the barbell.

Do not start with your back to the barbell on any round.

Watch the submission time window:

Scores Due Y5 Pm.PT, Saturday,April 20,2024.

Hot tips:

Stay disciplined in transitions.

Know yourself and trust your ability to gague your capacity.

First Thoughts: 

Leg burnerโ€ฆ There is really nowhere to hide here. After you have finished 50 wall balls it is right into burpee box jump overs, then straight back again to the wall balls.

Because the same muscle groups are being worked it makes sense to go out a little softer here and build into the workout. You need to be feeling relatively fresh for that final round and can probably gain significant time there.

Warm up:

General Warm Up:

On a bike erg complete: 

2 min Easy (RPE 5)

1.5 min Moderate (RPE 6-7)

1 min Hard (RPE 8)

Then perform 2 rounds of

20 plate jumps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSlgofKwJ_w

20 Hip flow https://youtu.be/UDk8KrrbTEY?si=kavdC33bbNlSDveU

10 Medicine Ball Goblet squats

10 Medicine Ball GTOH

Movement specific warm up:

Perform 1 round of:

10 wall balls

10 Burpee box jump overs

Rest 1 min 

10 burpee box jump overs 

10 Wall balls

Get a feeling for the pacing on your reps to make sure you donโ€™t go to hard out.  

Pacing strategy:

Know your capacity. You should avoid red-lining too early on the burpee box jump overs. For most athletes we recommend stepping up into the burpee to make the movement more sustainable and less metabolically taxing. Consider splitting the wallballs but make sure to stay disciplined with your rest. 

Specific movement strategies:


  • Stay relaxed and try to breathe throughout the movement
  • Stick to your normal cadence and donโ€™t try to speed up the reps

Burpee Box Jump Overs

  • Keep a consistent rhythm and step pattern. Remember, a step down from the box is required
  • Avoid resting in the bottom position of the burpee as it will be hard to breathe

For the best:

You should never stop moving for prolonged periods of time. Smooth and steady wins the race.

Rules to remember: 

Time stops when you complete the final burpee box jump-over with both feet on the ground on the opposite side of the box.

The box must be placed at least 5 feet away from the wall-ball station for safety.

Athletes MUST step down from the top of the box unless they choose to jump completely over the box.

Hot tips:

Start slow, finish fast. You want to leave some energy left in the tank for the final 50 reps.

Aim to keep moving, even if it is slower rather than resting completely.

First Thoughts:

This piece will favor the gymnastic athletes who are good at pushing. 

Itโ€™s 60 HSPU in total. The TTB from the 1st part will affect your ability to pull your knees up in the Rope Climbs for the 2nd part so be aware of that. 

The previous pressing movements will play a role in your dip for the RMU in the 3rd part of this workout piece so make sure to take smart breaks and use a good kip

Warm up:

General Warm Up:

Choose two machines of your choice and perform

60 sec sec Easy on each (RPE 5)

45 sec Moderate on each (RPE 6-7)

30 sec Hard on each (RPE 8) 

Then Perform 2 round

20 sec hang from the bar (deadhang)

10 Rocking push ups https://youtu.be/XTyMjF6RXCw?si=3QGWwgcVOJmdyCnJ

20 Sec HSH (facing the wall) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YWzkz0Ytjs

10 Shoulder Dislocates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXybgT239Vo

5 Wrist Flow https://youtu.be/mHLiY3pWu_0?si=HhDyBXL4gBuINPZw

Movement specific warm up:

  • HSPU

Use 10 min to get used to the standard on the different movements

Doing 2 rounds of

6 kipping HSPU

4 Strict HSPU 

2 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups

  • TTB

Perform 1 round of

10 Kip swings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJHsIIgYN7k

10 Legs to 90ยฐ

10 TTB

  • Rope Climbs

Perform 1 round of

5x 1 Jump to rope

3x 3 reps Knees to Elbow (rope) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxm1QKpCGl4

5x 1 Rope lock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYeM87ZcdgU

3 Rope climbs   

  • RMU

5 x 1 Jump to hollow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGicn4nVIOg

4 x 1 Hip to bar https://youtube.com/watch?v=QQgCRyyNZGE

3 x 2-4 BMU 

Pacing strategy:

As the most challenging movements are placed at the end of the workout, we recommend breaking sets early and often to keep the shoulders as fresh as possible throughout. If you are limited by inverted pressing, consider doing small sets on the strict HSPU and wall-facing HSPU. Overall you might need to start slower than you might think, similar to Open workout 24.3.

Specific movement strategies:

Handstand Push-ups

  • Use a big kip on the first three rounds to make it as easy on the shoulders as possible
  • Consider kicking down multiple times on the strict HSPU to manage time under tension
  • Always stay a couple of reps away from failure
  • Note that you can now pirouette up and down on the wall-facing HSPU

Toes to Bar

  • Keep a smooth and efficient kip, no need to sprint reps
  • Use a riser to easily reach the bar

Rope climbs

  • As on the other movements, keep an efficient technique throughout, by trying to make it to the top in as few pulls as possible and sliding down the rope with minimal stops

Ring muscle ups

  • Perform them according to what you have left in the tank
  • As on the HSPU, make sure to stay away from failure

For the best:

Try to pre-plan your transitions and rest breaks and try to pace according to your ability. Itโ€™s important that you have enough capacity left to get through your weakest movement without taking too much damage.

Equipment set-up:

Set up a 30-inch tape line 10 inches from the wall to the outside edge of the line.

If the head and hands are on different surfaces, the surfaces must be level (e.g., if the hands are on plates and there is a pad under the head, the top of the pad must be level with the top of the plates).

Rules to remember: 

Using tape on the pull-up bar AND gymnastics grips at the same time is NOT allowed.

Strict handstand push up

Each rep begins and ends in the lockout position with: 

Both hands touching the tape line. Any portion of the hands may be touching the line (fingers OK).

The head does NOT need to touch the tape line. 

During any round designated as strict, kipping is NOT allowed. Any repetition that is assisted by the hips or legs will not count.

Rope Climbs

There are no requirements during the descent of the climb. 

Chest to wall handstand push-up

There is no requirement for how an athlete gets into the starting position (lockout) against the wall. 

The head does NOT need to touch the tape line.

Hot tips: 

Divide early to save yourself for the RMU – Short set/short rest.

First Thoughts:

This is obviously going to favor big CrossFit lifters. The first 2 weights shouldnt be a factor for most and with a minute rest afterwards you can go out quick TnG to buy time. The final 2 bars are obviously where the strategy becomes more important. The top athletes may get away with TnG reps on the 3rd barbell, however most will be dropping to singles at that point.

The final barbell people will want to aim for quick singles. The best will be able to maintain power clean + power jerk all the way though. However some athletes will have to start moving to squat/split jerk to maintain. The advice here is to switch the movement, before you have to.

Warm up:

General Warm Up:

5 min on a machine on your choice

50 sec easy + 10 sec HARD (RPE 9)

2 Rounds of

10 Front rack elbow raises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHLPogNx0cg

10 strict press

10 shoulder openers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LPSQAJZKNo

Then perform 2 rounds of

10 Floor rotations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkQvgcmetaM

10 Kang squats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbyMzNqALk

5 Countermovement jumps https://youtube.com/watch?v=uOVfl2ETfW4

Movement specific warm up:

2 Rounds of

5 deadlifts

5 clean Pulls

5 + 5 Muscle cleans + Pushpress

5 + 5 power cleans + Powerjerks

5 Split Jerks (optional)

Empty barbell for first round

Add 10-20 kg for second round

Pacing strategy:

Depending on your strength level you want to cycle the first 2 barbells quickly as you switch to quick singles when the fatigue kicks in and the barbell gets heavier your mind determines what you are doing so stay consistent, pick up the barbell and donโ€™t do any unnecessary extra steps from or towards the barbell. 

Specific movement strategies:

Clean and jerk

  • Avoid any failed reps. We recommend playing it safe by switching to squat clean and split jerk as you start doubting
  • Keep your setup quick and efficient
  • Lift with your best technique on the heaviest lifts

For the best:

Push the pace of the first 2 barbells to buy some time on the heavier weights.

Equipment Needed:


Bumper plates.


Rules to remember: 

You can use multiple bars or have Assistance Changing The Load.

Collars Must Be Placed Outside The Plates.

Record the time after completing the 10th rep at weights 1,2,and 3.

You will be penalized if you are not standing tall with your back to the barbell at the start of each set.

Make sure to have a clear lockout on every jerk.

Hot tips:

If you are CrossFit strong this is your workout. Power Cleans and Jerks all the way.

If you know you will start to struggle on that last barbell, then change the movement before you have to, to either squat cleans or split jerks.

Team Quarterfinals

M/F pairs 

Alternating pairs every 2 minutes, complete 5 rounds of: 

10 synchro lateral burpees over the bar 
10 synchro front squats 
Max muscle-ups 

โ™€ 125 lb / 56 kg
โ™‚ 185 lb / 83 kg


50-30-20 reps for time of: 

Alternating dumbbell snatches (all teammates synchronized) 
Toes-to-bars (pairs synchronized) 

โ™€ 50 lb / 22,5 kg
โ™‚ 70 lb / 32 kg

Time cap: 20 minutes 


MM/FF pairs 

For time, Pair 1 (MM) followed by Pair 2 (FF): 

500-meter row 
50 handstand push-ups (1 station, switch as needed) 
50 synchro wall-ball shots 

Then, Pair 1 followed by Pair 2: 

50 synchro wall-ball shots 
50 handstand push-ups (1 station, switch as needed) 
500-meter row 

โ™€ 14-lb 6 kg ball, 9-foot target 
โ™‚ 20-lb 9 kg ball, 10-foot target 

Time cap: 25 minutes


FF/MM pairs 

As many reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 

30 deadlifts (FF) 
30 deadlifts (MM) 
30 shoulder-to-overheads (FF) 
30 shoulder-to-overheads (MM) 

โ™€ 205-lb 93 kg deadlifts, 125-lb 56 kg shoulder-to-overheads 
โ™‚ 315-lb 142 kg deadlifts, 185-lb 83 kg shoulder-to-overheads


Vicki McLeod


Vicki McLeod

Vicki McLeod is a writer, photographer and broadcaster living and working in Mallorca, Spain. She has interviewed many elite-level athletes and is fascinated by the psychology of sports, andย competition.