CrossFit Open 24.1

crossfit open 24.1

The 2024 CrossFit Open season has started with the announcement of Open Workout 24.1 on Thursday February 29th.

Date: Feb. 29, 2024
Location: CrossFit Pleasanton, California
Live Show Begins: 20.00 CET
Open Workout 24.1 Announced: 21.00 CET

CrossFit Games athletes Brent Fikowski, Alex Gazan, Alexis Raptis, and Jeff Adler were the first to throw down in 24.1.

24.1 open crossfit

What is the CrossFit Open workout 24.1?

For time:

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

*Time cap: 15 minutes

RX weight: 22.5 kg / 15kg

Make sure to check official standards here: (

24.1 crossfit tips

First thoughts

2 classic CrossFit movements in an old school CrossFit rep scheme… but with a twist!

Because the movements are both low-skill and easy to approach, we can really attack this workout and explore a little how far we want to push into the pain cave. 

The pace of the DB Snatch is relatively dictated by the nature of the movement, therefore we have to use the burpees to control the pace. If you want a fast time you need to move quickly, if you need to pace, use a smooth rhythm especially coming up from the burpees but aim to never stop.

Be prepared: over time the dumbbell snatches and burpees together will make it a spicy combination. 

Get out there, smash it, and have a good time! We're excited to be in the 2024 season!

Warm up

General warm up:

2 Rounds of:

Old School Shoulder Warm Up

40 seconds of Rolling Straddle Stretch

5+5 DB Press

40 seconds of Hip Flows

Then spend 10 min on your machine of choice, the aim is to get a little sweaty and bring your heart rate up. You should feel more alert, but not tired.

tips 24.1 crossfit open

Specific warm up


20 DB snatches each arm at a light weight: get to know the feeling of the movement when not alternating.

10 burpees over DB: you must jump over the DB without touching it. 99% of people should use the step up.

Followed by 1 round at “Workout” pace.

9 DB snatches R
5 burpees over DB
9 DB snatches L
5 burpees over DB

If you are breathing too heavy after this, you know you need to back off and not go out too hot. Then give yourself 5 minutes or so before beginning the workout.

Pacing strategy

The workout has 180 reps total. Therefore this helps you to decide on the pace you want to hit. If you think you can handle 18 reps a minute, to go sub 10, then that means you shouldn't have finished the set of 21s under 4 minutes as you will have come out too hot.
Coming out too hot too soon will severely affect you down the line. You may risk taking more time this way than if you kept a consistent pace from the start.

Therefore we recommend deciding the score you want to achieve, then calculate what that requires in terms of reps per minute and then dictate the pacing from there.

Specific movement strategies

Dumbbell snatches

We have a more in-depth video on the DB Snatch here:

YouTube video

However the main thing is to pick a rhythm you feel comfortable with and stick to it. If the DB Snatches are heavy for you or you don't have great muscular endurance in the movement, break the DB snatches in half at the beginning, with a short rest (5 sec). This will help you to avoid going to failure, slow down in the burpees or have to rest more between movements.


This is really where the time in the workout is won or lost.

You should never need to stop here because you’ve redlined too hard. Instead have a game plan on how you want to execute your burpees: with a step up or hop up and with a double or single feet landing. Remember, slow reps are better than not getting any reps at all.

For the high achievers

There is no escape, you have to go hard and fast.

Quick transitions and stay low on the burpees.

For the rest

This is not a sprint workout, therefore ease in on the first few sets of burpees, if you feel strong then half way through the 15s is really where you can start pushing the pace and gaining significant time.

Equipment set-up

Probably the easiest part of any CrossFit Open workout ever, put your DB on the floor.

Rules to remember

  • The workout starts with you standing tall with your back to the dumbbell.
  • You may start the rounds of 15 and 9 snatches with either arm.
  • You may NOT switch arms in the middle of a set of snatches.
  • Record the time after you complete the final 21 burpees, and this will be your tiebreak time if you do not complete the final 15 burpees. Record the time again after the final 15 burpees if you get that far, and this will become your tiebreak time if you do not complete the workout. In the event of a tie, the athlete with the better tiebreak time will be ranked higher.
  • If the workout is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreak.
  • Some portion of both feet must clearly pass over the dumbbell (not around it).
  • A two-foot take-off or landing is NOT required.
  • No Rep: you cannot step over the dumbbell.
  • No Rep: if you trip or make contact with the dumbbell with your foot.
  • No Rep: putting your free hand on your leg during the snatches.

Hot tips

Make sure to warm up your lower back well, so you feel comfortable with the volume of DB snatches.

Be confident in your abilities and aim not to overthink the workout too much, it is a great opportunity to put your foot on the gas and test those fitness boundaries.

The dumbbell snatches will dictate the individual pace, whilst the burpees will determine the fastest scores.

Recovery protocol

How to watch 24.1

24.1 was streamed live on the CrossFit Games website and the CrossFit Games YouTube channel.

YouTube video
Vicki McLeod


Vicki McLeod

Vicki McLeod is a writer, photographer and broadcaster living and working in Mallorca, Spain. She has interviewed many elite-level athletes and is fascinated by the psychology of sports, and competition.