Erica Ekelund CrossFit Athlete

Erica Ekelund is a Swedish professional CrossFit Athlete who joined The Progrm in 2019.
Age: 24
Nationality: Swedish
Where are you living: I am originally from Ystad but moved to Linköping to study.
Height: 165cm
Weight: 65 kg
Profession: Crossfit athlete and physiotherapist
CrossFit Affiliate: CrossFit Highway
Instagram: ericaekelund
I live with my partner in Linköping. But I have my mum, dad and little brother in Ystad.
Have since a young age been very active and loved sports.
At the age of 5 I started playing football and practice gymnastics. When I approached adolescents things got more serious and I decided to only continue with football.
I moved away from home at the age of 15 to be able to go to a high school with a focus on football. At this time I played at the highest league in Sweden and for the youth national team.
At the age of 18 I suffered from an meniscus injury that was operated on. The rehab took longer than expected and the comeback did not go as planned. For my own wellbeing I decided to end my football career.
After my football career I started exercising at a regular gym. In this gym there was a small box for crossfit. I immediately became interested in the form of training and tried it. From that day I was stuck and I returned to the box basically every day.
Max Clean and Jerk: 95kg
Max Snatch: 72,5kg

29th place European Semi Finals 2024 in Lyon
Top 10 at Norwegian Crossfit Championship.
Hardest workout you have ever done?
There is a lot but I often repress them. I still remember my first open workout, 19.1. That one hurt a lot.
Choose/Design 1 workout to beat anyone in the World
Hard to pick one. Would probably be some kind of conditioning piece with burpees.

Who do you wish was watching you perform at every competition?
My boyfriend have helped and believed in me since the very start of the journey. He is my biggest supporter and constantly pushes me to become a better person and athlete.
How does being an athlete make you a better person?
I have learned and I am learning very much about myself as an human being. It feels like I have found myself and the person I want to be.
Favourite song or playlist:
It depends on the situation. But when I train I always listen to any kind of upbeat music.
Top movie:
Of course The fittest on earth documantery. Otherwise I like classic romantic comedies or action movies.
Best moment in your CrossFit career:
My first international competition which also was my first sanctional competition at Norweigan Crossfit Championship. It was my first big international competition where I placed way over my expectations.
Tips for someone who wants to become a professional CrossFit Athlete:
It’s all about dedication and hard work. If you want it, then go and get it.
What do you tell yourself on days when you feel unmotivated/tired?
My whole life revolves around my training. It’s all about the routines and doing the same things over and over again to become a better athlete. Of course some days are harder than others and those are the days where you just have to go and do it even if it’s not fun.

What goes through your head before entering the competition floor?
My main focus when I compete is on myself and the plan I have made up. Because competing already gives you so much adrenaline I try to calm myself and believe in my own ability.
What do you think is the biggest lesson you’ve learned through CrossFit?
Through crossfit I have not only become a better athlete but a better person. I have learned to value myself and my time and do the things that makes me happy with the people that brings joy and positive energy to my life.
What are your goals in the close future (6 months – 1 year)? And distant future (5+ years)?
I have had a really good development the past year. My everyday goal is to keep continue the hard work to keep develop as an athlete in every single way. My competing goals is to keep competing international against great opponent. The main goal is of course the crossfit games.
John Singleton