How to Conquer Your Fear of Box Jumps (in 3 Easy Steps!)

beginner crossfit workouts

Fear can be a powerful force that holds us back from doing something that we may want to do. When it comes to box jumps, fear can become a mental obstacle that prevents us from safely exploring this exciting exercise. However, with a few tips, it is possible to overcome this fear and reap the power-producing benefits of box jumps. After following these steps, you’ll be able to fall down seven times, and stand up eight (but hopefully it won’t come to that!).

Fighting Fear

Fear of box jumps is often rooted in the fear of falling.  It is important to remember that falling or stumbling is a normal part of the learning process. Whether you’re new to the exercise or simply trying to recover from a post-traumatic box jump experience, fear can be a difficult thing to face when it comes to this classic CrossFit exercise. 

Box jump fumbles are an inevitable part of this sport, largely because they come up often in training. With many reps and accumulating fatigue building up during the workout, accidents happen. When you fall, the important thing is to check that you’re okay, take a breather, and keep moving. The more you practice, the more your confidence will grow, and the easier it will be for you to increase the height or execution speed of the exercise.

Click here to see our complete tutorial on box jumps and box-related CrossFit exercises.

Box Jump Benefits

The first step to overcoming the fear of box jumps is to understand why we do them in the first place. Box jumps can be a great way to improve agility, explosiveness, and power. It’s primarily a lower body exercise also your midline and arms play an important part in the execution. 

Power is one of the 9 main components of fitness that CrossFit is based on and it's essential for CrossFit athletes as it helps you to lift heavy, kip often, and finish first in the WOD. Like many plyometric exercises, incorporating box jumps into your regular training will contribute to making your ability to generate power. At the same time, box jumps are a great test of coordination, motor control, aerobic capacity, and accuracy.

Focusing on the positive aspects of the exercise can help to reduce the fear and increase confidence. With practice and patience, you will be able to conquer your fear of box jumps and improve your overall performance.

Step 1: Adjust the height

First and foremost, it is important to start with a box height that is appropriate for your current level of skill and ability. It may be tempting to try to jump onto a higher box right away, but it is crucial to build up to it gradually in order to reduce the risk of injury. You can start with a lower box and gradually increase the height as you become more comfortable and confident with the movement. 

Once you have established proper form and technique, it is important to start slowly and progressively increase the height of the box. This will help to gradually build confidence and reduce the fear of a potential fall. It is also important to remember to never jump higher than what you are comfortable with. This will help to ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk of injury.

Step 2: Use proper from

The next step to overcoming your fear of box jumps is to practice proper form. Box jumps are an exercise that requires a significant amount of explosive power, and proper form is essential in order to safely and effectively execute the movement. 

Make sure to land softly on the box with bent knees to absorb the impact and avoid landing on the balls of your feet or with your feet too far apart. Keep your core engaged and your chest up as you land to maintain proper posture and balance. Again, practice makes perfect so start short and build up so that you can apply this technique when confronted with a lot of volume, jumping for max height, and even when you’re tired.

Taking the time to practice proper form and technique can help to improve confidence and reduce the fear of a potential fall.

Step 3: Breathing and visualization

Funnily enough, we often overlook the importance of breathing when it comes to exercise. Anyone that’s ever attempted a submaximal lift or challenging exercise while their heart rate is up will tell you that controlling your breathing is a significant part of the battle. With box jumps, focus on your breathing and try to exhale as you land on the box. This can help you stay relaxed and prevent any unnecessary tension in your muscles.

It can also be helpful to practice visualization techniques, such as mentally rehearsing the movement and envisioning yourself successfully completing the box jump. This can help build confidence and reduce anxiety.


Overall, box jumps can be a valuable and exciting part of a CrossFit training program. Understanding the fear behind this exercise is key to conquering it. By starting with a manageable height and gradually increasing the challenge, using proper form, and focusing on your breathing and visualization, you can overcome your fear and achieve your goals. Whether you’re a newbie or a professional CrossFit athlete, accidents can happen but with a bit of practice and patience, it is possible to overcome your fear of box jumps and become a stronger and more powerful athlete.

Reika Morgan


Reika Morgan

Reika Morgan has eight years of experience training, competing, and coaching Crossfit and Olympic weightlifting. She is a founding member of said community in Barcelona, Spain and currently works as a CrossFit coach at La Huella Workout Club.