2024 ROGUE Invitational

2024 ROGUE Invitational

The 2024 ROGUE Invitational will be held in Aberdeen, Scotland, marking its first event outside the United States.

This legendary competition will showcase top CrossFit athletes, famous CrossFit legends, and an exciting Strongman contest.

Dates: November 8 – 10, 2024
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Leaderboard: Here
More info:
Website โ€“ https://www.roguefitness.com/invitational
Instagram โ€“ @rogueinvitational

The Rogue Invitational stands out as a distinctive event that brings together top Individual CrossFit athletes, Strongman competitors, and showcases legendary figures from the CrossFit community.

Renowned globally as the premier supplier of CrossFit equipment, Rogue Fitness is celebrated for introducing innovative products that often make their debut at this event before being featured in prestigious competitions such as The CrossFit Games.

2024 ROGUE Invitational Winners


1.- Tia Clair Toomey 850 – $282k
2.- Laura Horvth – $98k
3.- Arielle Loewen – $52k
4.- Alex Gazan – $39k
5.- Brooke Wells – $29k
6.- Emma Tall – $26k
7.- Dani Speegle – $23k
8.- Gabriela Migala – $19k
9.- Manon Angonese – $13k
10.- Madeline Sturt – $6k


1.- Jeffrey Adler – $282k
2.- Brent Fikowski – $98k
3.- Jayson Hopper – $52k
4.- Ricky Garard – $39k
5.- Dallin Pepper – $29k
6.- Jay Crouch – $26k
7.- Gui Malheiros – $23k
8.- Justin Medeiros – $19k
9.- Patrick Vellner – $13k
10.- Jonne Koski – $6k


Event 7
11:17am โ€“ 12:52am (GMT)
12:17pm โ€“ 1:52pm ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ
6:17am โ€“ 7:52am (EST)

Event 8
1:34pm โ€“ 2:47pm (GMT)
2:34pm โ€“ 3:47pm ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ
8:34am โ€“ 9:47am (EST)

Event 9
2:55pm โ€“ 3:35pm (GMT)
3:55pm โ€“ 4:35pm ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ
9:55am โ€“ 10:35am (EST)

Where to watch?

The competition can be streamed live via Rogue's YouTube channel.

YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video


10 Rounds
Sandbag Carry
400M Run

32/26 Cal Echo Bike
16 Ring Muscle Ups
8 Squat Snatch (225/160LB 102/72 kg)
6 Shuttle Sprints

Wall Walk Complex
Back Squat (375/260LB 170/118 kg)

1.- Jeffrey Adler 275 / Tia Clair Toomey 300
2.- Ricky Garard 225 / Gabriela Migala 275
3.- Dallin Pepper 220 / Laura Horvath 210
4.- Jayson Hopper 220 / Brooke Wells 205
5.- Chandler Smith 210 / Arielle Loewen 185
6.- Patrick Vellner 190 / Manon Angonese 170
7.- Guilherme Malheiros 185 / Haley Adams 165
8.- Brent Fikowski 185 / Emily Rolfe 155
9.- Jorge Fernandez 165 / Dani Speegle 150
10.- Sam Cournoyer 160 / Madeline Sturt 135

1000M Row
30 Thrusters (135/95LB 61/43 kg)
30/20 Log Muscle Ups
30 Thrusters (135/95LB 61/43 kg)
1000M Row

3 Rope Climbs
21 Single Arm Cyr Bell Devil Press (100/70LB 45/32 kg)
3 Rope Climbs
21 Single Arm Cyr Bell Devil Press (100/70LB 45/32 kg)
3 Rope Climbs

5 up and over Bale
50โ€ฒ Sled Push 160 lb / 73 kg
4 Power Stairs Steps (300/225lb 136/102 kg)

1.- Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr 560
2.- Laura Horvath 505
3.- Gabriela Migaล‚a 480
4.- Emma Tall 375
5.- Arielle Loewen 360
6.- Alex Gazan 360
7.- Manon Angonese 345
8.- Brooke Wells 315
9.- Danielle Brandon 315
10.- Madeline Sturt 315

1.- Jeff Adler 520
2.- Ricky Garard 480
3.- Dallin Pepper 450
4.- Brent Fikowski 440
5.- Jayson Hopper 405
6.- Guilherme Malheiros 395
7.- Patrick Vellner 390
8.- Jay Crouch 375
9.- Justin Medeiros 330
10.- Chandler Smith 295

1 Peg Board
60/48 Cal SkiErg
60 GHD
1 Peg Board
40/32 Cal SkiErg
40 GHD
1 Peg Board
20/16 Cal SkiErg
20 GHD
1 Peg Board

3 Rounds
100 Heavy Rope DU
50′ Single Arm Cyr Bell Overhead Walking
Lunge (100/70LB 45/32 kg)
100′ HS Walk

15 Sandbag Cleans (150/125lb 68/57kg)
10 Sandbag Cleans (200/150lb 91/68 kg)
5 Sandbag Cleans (225/175lb 102/79 kg)

Time Cap: 7 min

Athletes participating

A total of 20 male and female participants will compete in the elite competition.

The following athletes have been granted direct invitations.

James Sprague
Jonne Koski
Samuel Kwant
Brent Fikowski
Chandler Smith
Jay Crouch
Dallin Pepper
Noah Ohlsen
Ricky Garard
Jayson Hopper
BK Gudmundsson
Romann Khrennikov
Saxon Panchik
Justin Medeiros
Patrick Vellner
Jeffrey Adler

Maddie Sturt
Paige Semenza
Haley Adams
Emily Rolfe
Emma McQuaid
Amanda Barnhart
Brooke Wells
Alex Gazan
Alexis Raptis
Dani Speegle
Arielle Loewen
Danielle Brandon
Gabriela Migala
Laura Horvath
Tia-Clair Toomey

The following athletes have secured their positions through the online qualifier.

Giorgos Karavis
Sam Cournoyer
Gui Malheiros
Henrik Haapalainen
Jorge Fernandez

Manon Angonese
Sydney Wells
Taylor Williamson
Emma Tall
Tayla Howe
Dana Paran


The prize purse itself for the event is one of the biggest in the sport consisting of the company's $1 million dollar investment, sponsor contributions, bitcoin investments, and a percentage of product revenue. But it doesnโ€™t stop there: the prize purse increases with the number of spectator tickets being sold, and has now reached $1.7 million.

The payouts are as follows:

  1. Rogue has made a substantial cash investment of 1 million dollars.
  2. $275,000 of Bitcoin was purchased at $35,000 per coin. Growth on this coin will increase the purse, paid out at the valuation when it's locked.
  3. $5 per attendee ticket sold will be added to the purse.
  4. 10% of registration fees for the 2024 online qualifier, โ€œThe Qโ€.
  5. 10% of registration fees for the 2024 community event, โ€œThe Cโ€.
  6. $5.00 for every Rogue Invitational T-shirt sold.
  7. $5.00 for every pair of GORUCK Ballistic Trainers sold on roguefitness.com.

This is the final prize according to final placement.

PlaceFinal Payout
1257.396,40 US$
289.789,44 US$
347.887,70 US$
435.915,78 US$
526.936,83 US$
623.943,85 US$
720.950,87 US$
817.957,89 US$
911.971,93 US$
10-205985,96 US$

Important facts about THE ROGUE INVITATIONAL

The Rogue Invitational is an exclusive competition as it is mainly accessible to athletes by invitation only. There is a qualifying phase that will advance a minimum of 5 male and 5 female competitors to the in-person competition in October.

This event is one of the most coveted for competitors due to its extensive prize purse and additional benefits for participating athletes. Itโ€™s the first major event to pay participating athletes for their travel and stay expenses. This means that overall, athletes who chose to take part in the Invitational will be at net zero regardless of how many event wins they take home or how much support they can rack up from their sponsors.

2023 ROGUE Invitational results


1.- Laura Horvath 780 – $280k
2.- Tia Clair Toomey 770 – $97k
3.- Emma Lawson 650 – $52k
4.- Gabriela Migala 630 – $39k
5.- Alex Gazan 590 – $29k
6.- Emma Cary 550 – $26k
7.- Danielle Brandon 540 – $22k
8.- Arielle Loewen 510 – $19k
9.- Dani Speegle 460 – $13k
10.- Manon Angonese 460 – $6k


1.- Pat Vellner 660 – $280k
2.- Jeffrey Adler 640 – $97k
3.- Roman Khrennikov 610 – $52k
4.- Brent Fikowski 610 – $39k
5.- Ricky Garard 565 – $29k
6.- Travis Mayer 555 – $26k
7.- Jayson Hopper 545 – $22k
8.- Dallin Pepper 545 – $19k
9.- Jay Crouch 540 – $13k
10.- Noah Ohlsen 530 – $6k

Vicki McLeod


Vicki McLeod

Vicki McLeod is a writer, photographer and broadcaster living and working in Mallorca, Spain. She has interviewed many elite-level athletes and is fascinated by the psychology of sports, andย competition.