What Games athletes eat

crossfit athletes diet

Making it to the biggest competition in the sport requires lots of discipline and dedication.

This isn’t new for anyone by now.

However, still in 2021 there are too many people out there who aren’t aware of just how much fuel is needed to make sure the body is performing and recovering it’s best day in and day out.

Although CrossFit, since its inception, has tried pushing their own diet philosophy to the public in the last few years most athletes have luckily taken a different route.

Reality is low carb diets like the paleo and zone diet are simply not optimal for anyone who wants to train CrossFit, let alone perform well in it.

So what exactly do elitè athletes eat then?

Well… the answer is mostly lots of carbs. And lots of calories as a result of that.

YouTube video

To showcase just how much we mean with “a lot” we are dedicating this whole blog post to covering a standard day of eating of Gabriella Migala and Jacqueline Dahlstrom, both of which are currently training for the CrossFit Games taking place in less than 2 weeks.


  • The athletes and their nutrition protocols
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Overall calorie intake
  • Their tips
  • Major takeaways

The athletes and their nutrition protocols


crossfit games gabriela migala

Gabi has been regularly tracking her macros for a few years now and works with a nutrition coach.

This means she has a set target of nutrients she has to reach each day to make sure she’s fueling her body properly.

The major nutrients she looks after (aka macros) are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Her rest days intake is very similar to training days to make sure the body can maximize recovery.


crossfit games jacqueline dahlstrom

Jacqueline has a past in the bodybuilding/fitness world that has allowed her to see and experience a few different diet approaches.

Through experience she learned just how crucial it is to prioritize high nutrient dense foods and that “low cal”/”high protein”/”no carbs” foods are not necessarily a healthier or better option.

Today she only tracks her intake occasionally to make sure she’s eating enough.


Gabi: 80g oats with jam and berries. Egg whites + egg + turkey bacon and veggies omelette

Jacqueline: oatmeal with fruit and granola. Egg omelette with tomatoes.

crossfit breakfast


Gabi: 100g rice + 2 chicken thighs and 1 cup mixed roasted veggies. 2 small pancakes to finish the meal.

Jacqueline: rice (unmeasured) + 2 chicken thighs and 1 cup veggies. 2.5 pancakes with the chicken because we’re in America and it's as close as it gets to chicken and waffles.

crossfit diet plan


Gabi: 150g of pasta + 150g shrimp + large salad plate with mixed vegetables and yogurt dressing.

Jacqueline: pasta (unmeasured or better: “it looks like 2 cups more or less”), shrimp (again unmeasured but approximately in the same amount as Gabi) + side salad with yogurt dressing + slice of homemade chocolate braided bread.

female crossfit diet plan


Gabi: watermelon flavored candy and carb power during training. Apple and an ice cream in the evening after completing the second session of the day. Protein shake before bed.

Jacqueline: banana and carb powder during the first session. Ice cream and protein bar after the second session before dinner.

Overall calorie intake

Their tips

Gabi: This might be “too simple” but it can make such a difference for the people who are just trying to lose weight and it's to “avoid liquid calories”. I think we would all prefer to fill ourselves up by eating solid food than just sending down 200 or more kcal in a few sips. Of course if you're tying to gain weight that's a different story.

Jacqueline: Don’t over complicate it. Before starting a new diet ask yourself: are you prioritizing whole foods over processed foods? Are you getting enough vegetables and fruit? How often are you cooking for yourself and how many of your meals come pre-prepared, pre-cooked or pre-packaged?

crossfit meals

Major takeaways

  • Quality is key: favoring whole foods that are high in micronutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants, fiver and minerals is key to make sure the body stays healthy to perform it's best.
  • Don't be afraid of carbs: the longer and more high intensity your sessions are the more you will be needing those carbs to fuel you through your workouts and make sure you are recovering properly.
  • Balance over perfection: it's ok to have something that isn't considered “100% clean” here and there. It helps keep you sane, doesn't do actually much damage and if you are a highly active individual it can also help bring that calorie intake up when you need it.
  • Make sure you are getting your protein: shooting for a daily amount of around 1.5g per kg of bodyweight is a good place where to start.
  • Forget about quick fixed and trendy diets: if you stick to the basics, stay active and keep being onsistent your results will come and stay in the long run. Short cuts don't exists and in most cases will leave you feeling like crap and with short lasting benefits at best.
Alexandra Radini


Alexandra Radini

Alexandra Radini has been a longstanding contributor to The Progrm’s blog and community. She has a Master’s degree in Food Science, and uses her background in STEM to teach others about nutrition, optimal recovery strategies and the ins-and-outs of functional fitness. If she’s not writing you’ll likely find her somewhere perfecting a crazy (food) scientist recipe.