2023 CrossFit Europe Semifinal

Following the Open and the Quarterfinals, the top qualifying CrossFit athletes in Europe will head to Berlin to compete at the 2023 CrossFit Europe Semifinal. This will be the final test that these athletes will face on their way to qualify for the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games.

For more information about the other Semifinal regions, click here.

When: June 1-4, 2023
Where: Max-Schmeling-Halle Am Falkpl. 1 10437 Berlin, Germany
Divisions: Individuals and Teams (top ranking 60 men, 60 women, and 40 teams from Quarterfinals)

How it works

After the Open and the Quarterfinals, the Semifinals is the third obstacle the athletes must overcome in order to compete for a chance of becoming the Fittest in the World.

For the 2023 season, CrossFit has introduced a worldwide ranking system.  

Each athleteโ€™s ranking is based on their previous two years of performance in the Open, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Games. Placing higher in these stages and advancing further in the season will earn them more points. 

This ranking system will be used to determine the final number of Games qualifying spots for individual athletes at each Semifinal event. Additional spots to the Games will also be awarded to regions with a higher strength of the field; the highly competitive regions in which there are many high-ranking athletes.

From Europe only 11 male and female athletes as well as 10 teams will advance to the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin.

Stay up to date with the official Leaderboard here.

How to Watch Semifinals

Individual event 1, 3 and teams 3 will be streamed on CrossFit Games Podcast youtube channel.

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DayLive Streaming Times
Thursday12:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Friday1:45 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday11:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday8:45 a.m. – 4 p.m.
In local time

Highlights by Vicky McLeod

The stage is set for arguably the toughest semi final in the 2023 CrossFit Games season. The athletes have checked in, the vendor booths are up, and the media pack has assembled. Spectators are trickling into the Max-Schemling Hall to watch day one of four. Itโ€™s a Thursday, a workday for most, so the numbers wonโ€™t be as high as the coming weekend but still there are some dedicated fans waiting to watch the first event. 

crossfit semifinal europe day 1

Outside Nike has set up a workout area using the same lemon yellow slouchy bean bags we all sat on during the weekend of The Progrm Crown in Mallorca, itโ€™s funny to see them here in an urban setting. Inside the Vendor area Hstl have already started selling their โ€œBerlin onlyโ€ shirt and itโ€™s going fast. Foodspring is handing out delicious tasters of protein shakes which are also gathering a crowd. The mood is buoyant, expectant, happy. Friends are bumping into each other and saying hi, there is a โ€œBack to Schoolโ€ atmosphere in the air. 

At exactly 13.00 40 judges dressed in the same khaki and black walk in choreographed unison into the arena and stand, waiting for the entry of the first heat of the first test for the teams. I wonder if the judges feel as nervous as the athletes. Athletes always tell me that the first event of a competition is the worst, but that the butterflies calm down once they have got it out of the way, is it the same for the judges?

From my vantage point above I see the first heat from the 41 teams jog in, and the audience cheers loudly. I walk around to check out viewing angles and see the team from CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue, two of whom I interviewed for the Europe is Coming podcast earlier in the year. They are looking down at the event about to start. I touch Lenaโ€™s arm and wish her a good weekend. She glances up quickly and smiles, but all business in her eyes. Even if you are the hot favourite of the teams (which they are) going into the competition there is a lot on the line. This is it, there isnโ€™t room for complacency. Europe is stacked with excellent athletes and this weekend is going to be fierce. Ten teams will qualify to go to Madison, 24% of them. The next three days are crucial.

Friday, the 120 individual athletes will join them. 

But only 22 will qualify for The Games. 

We know that 82% of the field will fail. 

Heartbreak and disappointment, and joy and struggle lies in the weekend ahead for all of them. 

3.2.1. Go. The beep sounds for EV1.

Let the show begin. 

europe semifinal crossfit day 1

Current Standings – Top Five Teams

  1. CrossFit Trondheim (Trondheim, Trondelag, Norway) – 188 points
  2. CrossFit Prestanda (Gavle, Gestrikland, Sweden) – 182 points
  3. CrossFit Walleye Athlete (Vasteras, Vastmanland, Sweden) – 176 points
  4. No Shortcuts CrossFit (Store Heddinge, Denmark) – 173 points 
  5. CrossFit Genas (Genas, France) – 173 points

CrossFit Trondheim (Trondheim, Trondelag, Norway) currently sits in first place after two events, riding third place finishes in both, for an aggregate score of 188. CrossFit Trondheim holds a six-point and 14-point lead, respectfully, over Swedenโ€™s CrossFit Prestanda (Gavle, Gestrikland, Sweden) in second place (182 points) and CrossFit Walleye Athlete (Vasteras, Vastmanland, Sweden) in third (176 points).

The individuals begin their competition. 

Test 1 for the female individuals would favour a โ€œfarmstrongโ€ runner , like Gabriela Migalaโ€ฆ but the surprise winner of her heat, and then the entire workout is Jen Muir. Glaswegian Muir is in her rookie year. She takes the win in a time of 23:47.68, with Swede Madeline Persson in 2nd place, and Polish Migala in third. 

Muir says she had โ€œa feelingโ€ about the test.  โ€œI knew that would be a good event for me because I have a background in triathlon, I was quite excited going in. BUT I didn't know it'd be THAT good!โ€ What was her strategy going in? โ€œSo I had some paces to hit on the machines, and I knew if I could hold those  I would be quite comfortable for the rest. With the sleds, I didnโ€™t want to get caught up in short, small pulls.โ€ How is she coping with rookie nerves at semis? โ€œFor me the goal this year was to make the semi-finals. So having achieved that goal, I'm just taking all that in and enjoying every moment of it. My friends and family are all here from Scotland supporting me. So amazing, it's so good. I'm loving it! 

jennifer muir event 1 crossfit semifinals

You shouldnโ€™t bet against Gabriela Migala when thereโ€™s a running element, and she knows that as well. โ€œWe have three running workouts this weekend and I am going to take full advantage of that. I knew that the running would be about eight minutes which is a significant amount of time and I heard that the sled was easier on this floor in comparison to other regions, so I knew I had to run away from the others on the runner. My hair was all over my face which was a great distraction for me as I didnโ€™t know how much time I had left!โ€

A British athlete who has been working towards qualifying for the Games is 24 year old Aimee Cringle who finishes Test 1 in fifth place with a time of 24:50.26.

How did she approach the event? โ€œI was glad it was a steady one to get going, I prefer longer non-skill style things. I told myself to cruise, and just do my best. Not spend 15 minutes at the chalk bucket because Iโ€™m good at that! โ€ And how does she feel about the next event and the weekend overall?  โ€œSo the next test is probably not as much my โ€œjamโ€ but you know, I'll give it my best. Itโ€™s nice to be in the top field with the girls. I used to look up to them. And now I'm on the floor with them. It's likeโ€Whaaaat?!โ€  Yeah, I'm enjoying it, and I just need to have fun as well in the process! At the end of the weekend I would like to finish higher  than where I qualified, which was 17th.โ€ 

The winner for the first test overall for the men also comes from the second heat, Belgian Jelle Hoste finishes in (22:05.34).  Not such a surprise winner of his heat, and now sitting in second overall is Lazar Dukic (22:34.66)

How did it feel to get Test one done? โ€œI feel very good that it started on a good note and now I hoping to just roll from here.โ€ Did you feel confident and in control out there? โ€œIt was surprising to be honest. I havenโ€™t been able to practice with a sled, I have only had a tank to prepare with. But I made every pull count. I feel that is what made the difference, that and the run.โ€ So you havenโ€™t pulled a sled in practice? โ€œYeah, it is an improvised sled, I have only pulled a sled in competitions. But I had some good advice from my friends that went to the previous semi finals. Fikowski told me to hook it like a fish, consistently, donโ€™t just yank it, keep pulling it. So thatโ€™s what I did.โ€

Hometown boy, German Mortiz Fiebig and Progrm athlete since 2022, went out strong in his heat and looked in a great position until he got to the runner.

fiebig crossfit semifinals berlin

Afterwards he admitted that โ€œIt was like a running test for me because I sucked at running last year. Now my running is improving. It felt better on the competition floor than when we tested the workout and thatโ€™s all I need to know, that I am better on the floor than in training. So Iโ€™m happy!โ€ Being the home favourite also helps. โ€œWhen everyone is cheering your name it feels insane. I didnโ€™t know there would be so many fans. It was awesome. Then you HAVE to perform!โ€ Moritz is in 8th place going into Test 2.

Thereโ€™s already been some upset in the predicted leaderboards, especially in the female athletes. Murmurings abound, โ€œWhatโ€™s going on with Laura Horvath and who the hell is Jen Muir?โ€ But Test Two is really going to put the cat amongst the pigeons as that ring complex, despite having been tested to death in gyms all over Europe, challenges even the best on the field. Several athletes known for their gymnastic abilities see no-reps from judges and as they โ€œgo to failureโ€ they cannot just hop up back onto the rings and carry on. 

In the women's event Italian Elisa Fulliano wins her heat and has this to say about her experience. โ€œI thought I could do good in this workout. But I didn't think that good! Now we'll wait for the next heat. But the big ones areโ€ฆ. (she shrugs the most Italian shrug she could possibly give whilst still being out of breath from this nasty workout) let's see what they can do. But as far as my performance, I feel amazing. I'm so satisfied with myself. I feel so good.โ€ Did it feel incredible to be racing against Matilde Garnes? โ€œYes, yes. We met in some other competitions in the past years. I really admired her. I admire her as an athlete, and I always cheer for her!โ€  

Norwegian Matilde Garnes said, โ€œIt was like a mix between spicy and technical because I'm really tired but the same format last year was harder because you don't get no reps on thrusters.  I wanted to push harder but it's hard to do this because the pistols are strict. BUT it was fun! I did better in training but there's longer transition times hereโ€ 

How was event one for you? โ€œThese two events are supposed to be a really good day for me, both one and two. But I chose the wrong shoes on the first one. I had on runners and I was doing really well, but I kept slipping on the floor with my shoes. The sled was so hard to move I was sliding with every rep and I got a warning from the judge. So I had to pull more slowly. I have long arms and Test One should have been good for me, but it is what it is, tomorrow is moving day and Iโ€™ve gotta go for it!โ€

Elisa Fuliano ultimately takes 3rd in Test Two and now sits in 10th overall, whilst Matilde takes 6th and is now in 7th place on the leaderboard. Meanwhile, Progrm athlete and resident of Mallorca, Ella Wunger, quietly finds herself in 8th place overall at the end of Day 1 for the individuals. Emma Tall finishes the day on the top of the overall leaderboard having taken an event win in Test two with 54 reps. 

For the men itโ€™s a similar story of struggle. Spanish Daniel Camacho does not complete the test as he injures his leg during the pistols, and Luka Dukic struggles on each round to get past the ring complexes. Something seems very wrong with the young Serb who until recently has been on a winning streak, after the event he posts on his Instagram account that he is withdrawing due to illness. Heartbreaking for him, it wonโ€™t be the comeback he has been working for since 2022 when he did not qualify for The Games. 

Italian Enrico Zenoni, who was a recent guest on Europe is Coming, takes 2nd in the event. How has day one been for him? โ€œ I threw up this morning because of the tension! But now I feel better. The first event for me was damage control. I knew I had to push myself on this one. Tomorrow is another hard day for me because it is a lot of heavy barbells. But I will try my best, and see.โ€ 

Consistency is the name of the game if you want to be successful in CrossFit and Jonne Koski is looking quite comfortable back on the floor. The Finnish athlete has been to the past seven Games, his top place finish being 6th in 2021. He blazes through Test two to come out on top. 

Was that won on the burpees? โ€œYes and No. I think most of the top top guys and women held pretty much the same pace on the burpees. I'm pretty efficient and secure on the pistols and I knew I can do the three sets of five ring complexes unbroken so I had the confidence that that was not going to be an issue. So as long as I could do my own game plan on the pistols, I knew my burpee pace  and I could hold on to the fastest one. So yes and no!โ€

Was the score of 57 reps  what you got in training as well? โ€œWell, I actually did do 66 reps, but that was with regular alternating pistols before we got to know the standard. I didn't move quite as much on the transition. So I would say it's pretty much even. And I did get a couple, like two or three of no reps, which were, in my opinion, a good call โ€œno repsโ€. Like the judge was very strict and gave me good corrections for that. So I think if I didn't have those, I maybe had one or two more reps in the tank. But yeah, I'm happy.โ€

And how's day one been generally? โ€œGenerally it's been really good to be back on the competition floor in Europe. It's just awesome. Especially now when you know, the field is so big. All the best guys are here. And I feel like it's, you know, it's probably more or the same amount of spectators I've seen at the Games. So yeah, it's been good. The first event wasn't quite as good in the execution as I hoped for. I was struggling with the sled a little bit. But luckily, I knew this one is my jam, so I could get some points back.โ€ 

What do you think about the events tomorrow? โ€œI really like Linda. I think it's a good event. I didn't get to do it in 2018 because I had a knee injury. So with a little twist with the dumbbells I'm excited for that.โ€ 

Jonne sits in 4th place at the end of Day One for the individuals. Lazar Dukic is in first place overall, with Henrik Haapalainen right behind him, and Moritz Fiebig in third. 

Barbells for breakfast, lunch and dinner for Saturday in Berlin. 

By @vicmcleod Europe Is Coming Podcast

Itโ€™s a sunny Saturday morning in Berlin. Some athletes have slept pretty well, and some others have not. Insomnia has been bothering David Shorunke for some months but after a tough day one where he saw himself in 4th after Test One, and then take 37th on Test Two he knows he has to make some moves to put himself back into contention for a Games spot. 

How did you sleep last night?

โ€œTo be honest, terribly. I've been exploring different avenues to resolve that, including CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for Insomnia. My sleep on average for the last four or five months has been somewhere between four to six hours, it's gradually improving. But then the stress of competition obviously makes it a lot worse. So last night was around three or four hours. So you can believe there's a copious amount of caffeine going down today!โ€

How do you cope when youโ€™ve had a bad nightโ€™s sleep?

โ€œI think it's a combination of plain accepting it is what it is. That whatever you have had in the morning is what you have got and itโ€™s what you have available for the day. You can either dwell on that and put yourself in a worse mood, which is emotionally going to have a negative impact on your performance, or you can just accept this is where I am and do something to keep your energy high.โ€ 

David Shorunke takes Test Three with a time of 12:26.68 which puts him back in the top five of the individual men. 

Outside of the arena athletes are meeting up with their families and friends. Athlete Moritz Fiebig is waiting for his mum to arrive at the gate. He is eating a salami sandwich. โ€œItโ€™s hard to eat on a competition day, the adrenalin doesnโ€™t let you. So I am making myself eat this.โ€ How is the afternoon looking for him? โ€œItโ€™s heavy weights and cardio! Good to be back on the floor.โ€ How was Linda? Moritz chews his sandwich and smiles. His girlfriend knows that he took eighth in Test Three. โ€œI donโ€™t want to know!โ€ he says emphatically. She shrugs, โ€œHe wonโ€™t let me tell him, but I will show you.โ€ She shows her phone to me, he is in second place on the leaderboard. โ€œI have to hug my mum,โ€ Mortiz says as he finds her and wraps his arms around her. She is absolutely tiny compared to her son. 

Adrian Bozman makes an appearance at the Sports Arena equivalent of the Stage Door on his way to get a coffee. 

Throughout the last few weekends, have you seen your tests being executed the way you've expected them to be? Have there been surprises for you? I don't have a lot of expectations, except for that the athletes are gonna bring it. I mean, that really is the expectation. And yeah, they've exceeded that. I mean, it's pretty impressive to see what these athletes are capable of, and just the range that they all have these days. And that's really what we want to put on display. It's incredible that you can have somebody that can come out and do such an endurance based event, and then turn around and have the gymnastic skills that they have, and then turn around and be as strong as they are. That's exactly what we want to show to the world.โ€

What do you think of Berlin?  โ€œOh, it's been the best. I rented a bicycle. I've been riding around on that every day.โ€

Would you say that the European semifinal has been the best semi final? โ€œThat's what the rumour is! We're not supposed to tell those guys back home in the United States, but maybe they should hear it so that they can bring it like the Euros.โ€

Maybe you'll consider Berlin for the CrossFit Games in the future?

You'll never know. I mean, it's possible. We are locked into Madison for the next year, and the next and we'll see what happens after that.

Back inside the arena, the womenโ€™s Test Three is going down to the wire. Gabriela Migala and Annie Thorisdottir race to the line. Gabi edges Annie out by 0.2 seconds. Right behind them on the overall leaderboard is Swede Emma Tall who has been having a great weekend so far. A 10th place, a first and a 7th means she is in third with 255 points. 

How are you doing? Is this where you expected to be at this point in the weekend or were you expecting to fight? โ€œWell, I think it's a fight against everyone else until the end. So it's like nothing is over yet. And regarding placements, I don't really have any expectations. But regarding how the events have gone in, like, just for me, it's how I expected it to be.โ€ 

A big afternoon of snatching and running is on the way.

Bear with me, but the European Semi Finals are shaping up to be like the Quidditch World Cup in โ€œHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fireโ€. Around the arena flags of many countries are hanging over the guard rails, and behind the flags are fans, very, very noisy fans. Shouts and screams sound different in different languages, but possibly the loudest are the Scottish. The Scottish contingent have positioned themselves directly in front of the lifting area for the women in Tests 4 and 5, and they are patiently waiting through five other heats to support Jen Muir. Jen rose to prominence taking Test 1 yesterday morning and is still in contention for a Games spot. 

An athlete who had found herself in a similar position last year, British Lucy Campbell, is sitting out the season due to a wrist injury. But sheโ€™s here commentating for the Games Broadcast staff. Howโ€™s it going? โ€œI think if I were here without a purpose then it would be very hard. I really want to be out there competing, but my wrist is not yet healed and I have to be patient with it.โ€ What do you think of the Tests so far, would Test 1 have been a good one for you? โ€œYes, I think I would have enjoyed that one, even just from the time domain element.โ€ What do you think will be the challenging elements for the women over the weekend? โ€œEven if you have a gymnastics background the gymnastics tests are different. Women gymnasts don't train on the rings, they don't train the parallettes, so it is a misconception to think that with a gymnastics background they will necessarily have an advantage in those kind of elements. Probably one of the biggest challenges for all of the athletes is the conversion from lbs to kilos that they will have to do in the next tests, unless you have been training in America you probably donโ€™t know automatically what weights you can hit.โ€ And only the athletes can change their bars, how will they manage? 

Belgian Jelle Hoste has the answer, he writes the conversions upside down on to his thigh under his shorts. He finishes 8th in Test 4 with a 275lb / 124kg lift and then, in his words, goes โ€œHard and fastโ€ through Test 5 to take the win in 02.56.25. 

Slovakian Karin Freyova opens with a 190lb / 86kg lift, which she pops above her head and stands up with a satisfied look on her face. She misses 200lb/ 91kg and then stands it up.

Behind her, at the end of the line, stands the Hungarian athlete, Laura Horvath. Karin canโ€™t see that Laura is doing exactly the same thing. They tie at 210lbs/95kg which means the next test finish time will be the tiebreaker for them. Karin is the fastest, so she wins Test 4. British Aimee Cringle shows her athletics background as she finishes in first place on the Test 5. 

The results of Tests 4 and 5 on Saturday afternoon leave some questions hanging in the air. Why are athletes who are generally accepted as excellent runners, such as Margaux Masset, a French athlete who competed at international level and can complete 400m hurdles in 1:03.07, coming off the Assault Runner in Lane 8 much slower than expected? Is there an issue with the machine in lane 8? Heat after heat the athletes report back in the warm up area that there is something โ€œoffโ€ with the machine. Unlike a โ€œNo Repโ€ from a judge, if there is a concern about a piece of equipment then an appeal can be made. Eleven athletes lodge a joint appeal which results in an overnight data collection process to try to establish if there is a discrepancy.  The data collected shows that the athletes who competed on the machine in Lane 8 were more likely to finish in average of 7.8 place meanwhile the runner next door in Lane 7 was more likely to have the athlete finish in 2.8 place. 

The results data collected by analyst Mike Halpin from @Known_knowable is here.

And there is a video explaining it further here:

YouTube video

Despite agreeing that the Air Runner used in Lane 8 was calibrated differently to the other machines in the competition, the organisers turn down the athletesโ€™ appeal for compensation in the points. You can listen to the Europe Is Coming podcast where Coach John Singleton retells the events here.

Amidst all the talk of Lane 8, the sun is shining and outside in a basketball court a couple of minutes away from the arena, Nike has set up an โ€œActivation areaโ€. Those familiar yellow beanbags that we saw recently in Mallorca are being reused as part of the chillout area, and there is also a Hyperice station set up for recovery. โ€œQuite a few athletes have been in to use it,โ€ the marketing manager tells me. In the centre of the court stands Alex Hipwell, a friend of the Europe is Coming podcast, and also an enthusiastic participant in every Saturdayโ€™s โ€œMashโ€ workouts. She is leading a group of 20 or so people through a warm up and then a squatting session. A lot of them are wearing brightly coloured orange, red and yellow MetCons. Perhaps it is subliminal, but I suddenly want to eat a fruit salad. Itโ€™s a brief visit, to get a hug from Alex and a complimentary coffee and banana bread and then back to work. 

Meanwhile, Test Six is underway in the arena. The handstand walk pirouettes proving to be a big problem for some, and a breeze for others. Itโ€™s a skill separator event, pushing rookie Jen Muir back down the leaderboard. Fellow athletes Manon Angonese and Matilde Garnes complete the workout and then walk back to the rig to support Muir as she works slowly through the 20 handstand push ups. 

Talking of HSPUs CrossFit pundits love to talk about how they are not a good movement for Laura Horvath so it must have been incredibly satisfying for her to blast through the set of 20, showing that she had been working on them, and take the overall event win. The commentators will  have to find something new to talk about now. 

In the menโ€™s French athlete Victor Hoffer takes first, ripping through the gymnastic segment with ease. Behind him, Koski, BKG, Dukic and Spanish athlete and rookie, Fabian Beneito putting him into a qualifying position. 

Event 7 is going to be fast, and the decisive event of the day. Is it possible for Jacqueline Dahlstrom, who has suffered some bad luck with judging decisions, and was also part of the Lane 8 appeal, to propel herself from 17th to 11th? There are only a few points in it. It is possible. But like they say, itโ€™s the hope that kills you.

On the sidelines of the competition floor, at 1pm, in front of thousands of spectators, Manu and I interview Don Faul, the CEO for CrossFit. โ€œYou donโ€™t mind if we do it here?โ€ Chris Madigan, the press office asks me. โ€œErr, no, I guess,โ€ I answer, thankful I have already prepared my questions on my phone. There is some fumbling with microphones, and then we begin. Don is a bright, direct, positive man who makes eye contact and answers each question thoughtfully.

You can see the interview as part of the Europe is Coming Vlog on:

YouTube video

Test 7 is a fast and furious end to the semi finals. Athletes sitting on the cut line for qualification for The Games take it down to the line, literally as they race each other to the finish. 

The Progrm athlete Jacqueline Dahlstrom, who had been fighting to get back into contention since Friday afternoon sprints through her Echo bike calories and toes to bar. The irony that the third element of the testย  is a sandbag is surely not lost on her as she famously lifted 1.7times her bodyweight last August at The Games when she went head to head with Dani Speegle in the Saturday night sandbag lifting event.

jacqueline dahlstrom semifinals 2023

As the women wait for the final results to be announced, there are six who could all take eleventh place. Itโ€™s an anxious moment. I imagine the athletes and their supporters are doing the maths in their heads, trying to work out where everyone is on the leaderboard. The scores are not uploaded meaning we have to wait for the announcement, and when it comes it is great news for Rebecca Vitesson and heartbreak for some previous Games athletes. Sadly, like Speegleย  only 7 days before, Jacqueline Dahlstrom is ultimately just on the wrong side of that cutline of the eleven European women who will go on to the โ€˜23 Games.ย 

In happier news, Swedish Ella Wunger, who has been with The Progrm since 2018, finishes in 8th place and will be going to Madison. As her name is announced she allows herself the smallest, shyest smile as her eyes flicker down to the floor. Later I ask, โ€œHas it sunk in yet?โ€ and she quietly laughs and says โ€œNo!โ€.

moritz fiebig crossfit athlete

Another Progrm athlete, Moritz Fiebig who finishes his weekend in third place overall will also be going to Madison. Itโ€™s a bit different to the 2022 semi finals when Moritz moved himself into a qualifying position on the frantic final event. โ€œI told myself I wanted to be safely in a qualifying position when I went into the final workout, not like last year, it wrecked my nerves! So Iโ€™m happy!โ€ Moritz is the hometown boy, and he still doesnโ€™t believe his luck, โ€œThe German crowd has been insane. This is something I have dreamed of since I started competing in CrossFit, and now we are here! I tried to enjoy the last workout, and I think I did. Iโ€™m just happy, thankful, grateful. Itโ€™s insane to be qualifying for the second time, itโ€™s the best feeling ever.โ€

Fabi Beneito takes the final qualification process in a classic slow results reveal. โ€œThe athlete in eleventh place, and going to the CrossFit Games isโ€ฆ. (long, painful pause)… Fabian Beneito!โ€ He hears his name, throws his head back and bellows into the air, punching his chest, Fabi falls to his knees and breaks down in tears. He is the only Spanish man to make it to the Games this year. Spain has the largest and fastest growth of affiliates in Europe, and now the community will have a representative to cheer for at The Games as well. Moritz, the first German man to make it to the finals, knows that feeling and beams broadly at his fellow athlete. 

The final podium line up is perfect, eleven men pile onto the first, second and third plyo boxes and pose like a boyband. The camaraderie and joy is obvious, competitors when the flag drops, and brothers-in-arms offstage. 

And just like that, the European semi-finals are done. The volunteers and vendors begin to pack up the circus as it prepares to leave town until August. Final goodbyes are said, hugs are shared, promises to call are made.ย 

Berlin, youโ€™ve been emotional. Thank you.


Individual athletes will participate in 6 events over the weekend (6 events for Teams).

The PROGRM Athletes to Watch out for

We also have athletes competing in the South America Semifinal, where only the top 30 men and 30 women from the Quarterfinals were invited:

Event 1

For time: 
3,000-m Echo Bike 
Hand-over-hand pull (84 feet)
2,000-m Assault AirRunner
Hand-over-hand pull (84 feet)
1,000-m SkiErg 
Hand-over-hand pull (92 feet)

Time cap: 30 minutes

โ™€ 180 lb 
โ™‚ 225 lb

Event 2

As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 ring complexes (1 toe-to-ring, 1 muscle-up, 1 ring dip)
20 single-leg squats
Max burpees over box

Complete 3 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds. Score is total reps across the 3 rounds. 

โ™€ Wear a 10-lb ruck, 24-inch box
โ™‚ Wear a 20-lb ruck, 30-inch box

Event 3

For time: Semifinals Linda โ€” 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of: 
Dumbbell bench presses
Squat cleans

Time cap: 17 minutes

โ™€ 220-lb deadlifts, 60-lb dumbbells, 105-lb squat cleans 
โ™‚ 295-lb deadlifts, 90-lb dumbbells, 145-lb squat cleans

Event 4

For load:
800-m Assault AirRunner
Max snatch

Time cap: 6 minutes. Following the time cap, athletes will have 2 minutes to reset for Test 5.

Event 5

For time:
8 snatches 
800-m Assault AirRunner

Time cap: 6 minutes 

โ™€ 125 lb 
โ™‚ 185 lb

Event 6

For time:
20 overhead squats
500-m row
3 handstand walk pirouettes
2 seated legless rope climbs
20 strict chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
2 seated legless rope climbs
3 handstand walk pirouettes
500-m row 
20 overhead squats

Time cap: 15 minutes (men); 16 minutes (women)

โ™€ 125 lb 
โ™‚ 185 lb

Event 7

3 rounds for time of:
15/10 Echo Bike calories 
20 toes-to-bars
60-foot sandbag bear-hug carry

Time cap: 6 minutes

โ™€ 150 lb 
โ™‚ 200 lb

Event Schedule

In local time (GMT+2)

Individual Event 1 – 9:55 a.m. – 1:28 p.m.
Individual Event 2 – 3:35 p.m. – 6:50 p.m.

Individual Event 3 – 9:00 a.m. – 11:26 p.m.
Individual Event 4/5 – 1:25 p.m. – 5:13 p.m.

Individual Event 6 – 9:00 a.m. – 12:59 p.m.
Individual Event 7 – 1:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Reika Morgan


Reika Morgan

Reika Morgan has eight years of experience training, competing, and coaching Crossfit and Olympic weightlifting. She is a founding member of said community in Barcelona, Spain and currently works as a CrossFit coach at La Huella Workout Club.