2024 Dubai Fitness Championship

dubai fitness championship 2024

Dubai Fitness Championship is a three-day competition known for its extravagant flair and generous prize purses that attract athletes from all over the globe.

Dates: December 6 – 8, 2024
Location: Dubai, UAE
Leaderboard: Oficial
More info: Instagram โ€“ @dxbfitnesschamp

The Dubai Fitness Championship was first celebrated in 2012 as a competition mostly meant for local athletes until 2016 when the event started gaining some traction.

More recently, DCC is known for combining next level entertainment for the community with with large prize purses and unique experiences for the athletes making it a win-win for all parts involved. Adding the ability to compete in Dubai's mild dessert climate during the winter months, it's no wonder how Dubai Fitness Championship has become one of the most-anticipated competitions out of the CrossFit season.

This year, DCC has reinstated its online qualifier, featuring 28 male and female athletes. The remaining slots will be filled through invitations.

Final results

1.- Luka Djukic 740
2.- Toby Buckland 634
3.- Bronislaw Olenkowicz 626
4.- Michal Wesolowski 610
5.- Tola Morakinyo 602
6.- Spencer Panchik 591
7.- Luis Cuellar 590
8.- Calum Clements 587
9.- Jake Douglas 566
10.- Giorgos Karavis 532

1.- Karin Frey 740
2.- Jamie Simmonos 671
3.- Matilde Carnes 669
4.- Andrea Solberg 639
5.- Kristin Holte 603
6.- Andra Moistus 583
7.- Oda Lunoekvam 575
8.- Nicole Heer 562
9.- Elisa Fuliano 555
10.- Hannah Black 555

YouTube video



YouTube video

Saturday – Event 3

YouTube video

Saturday – Event 4-5-6

YouTube video

Friday – Event 1

YouTube video

Friday – Event 2

YouTube video


20-Minute Bike Erg FTP Test (Damper 10)
Score: Average wattage over 20 minutes

1 km sprint

1.- Michal Wesolowski 195
2.- Luka Djukic 169
3.- Toby Buckland 155
4.- Nika Maisuradze 151
5.- Victor Helsinghof 146
6.- Benoit Boulanger 144
7.- Jake Douglas 141
8.- Jan Arno Finkenberg 140
9.- Calum Clements 136
10.- Giorgos Karavis 132

1.- Matilde Oyen Carnes 185
2.- Oda Lundekvam 180
3.- Aline Wirz 159
4.- Karin Frey 156
5.- Kristin Holte 150
6.- Andra Moistus 150
7.- Linda Keesman 147
8.- Nicole Heer 144
9.- Jamie Simmonds 138
10.- Silvia Garcia 132

5k Obstacle Race

Athletes will compete on the same course used for the Dubai World Obstacle Championship taking place this weekend. The 5k course features a cross-country style race that includes up to 30 obstacles.

Max Weight for Complex:
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk

100 Heavy Double Unders
20 Sandbag Cleans (150lbs/100lbs)
50 Toes-to-Bar
20 Sandbag Cleans (150lbs/100lbs)
100 Heavy Double Unders

Time cap: 12 min

20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Sandbag Back Squats (200lbs/150lbs)
Shuttle sprint to finish

Score: Time

Elmination schedule:
Round 1: 30 athletes
Round 2: 20 athletes
Round 3: 10 athletes
Round 4: 5 athletes

1.- Luka Djukic 504
2.- Anestis Artemis 430
3.- Jake Douglas 409
4.- Bronislaw Olenkowicz 395
5.- Michal Wesolowski 393
6.- Spencer Panchik 391
7.- Toby Buckland 390
8.- Giorgos Karavis 380
9.- Luis Cuellar 379
10.- Jan Arno Finkenberg 375

1.- Jamie Simmonds 464
2.- Karin Frey 455
3.- Kristin Holte 445
4.- Matilde Carnes 421
5.- Elisa Fuliano 395
6.- Oda Lundekvam 380
7.- Andra Moistus 375
8.- Aline Wirz 364
9.- Andrea Solberg 362
10.- Nicole Heer 354

15 min EMOM:
Minute 1: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24โ€/20โ€)
Minute 2: 15 Dumbbell Snatches (30kg/22.5kg)
Minute 3: 20/17 Calorie Row

Then 2 rounds for time:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24โ€/20โ€)
15 Dumbbell Snatches (30kg/22.5kg)
20/17 Calorie Row

Score: Time to complete last 2 rounds

28/21 Cal Ski
8 Power Snatches (85kg/60kg)
8 Overhead Squats (85kg/60kg)
24/18 Cal Assault Bike
20 meter Handstand Walk
6/4 Rope Climbs
30 meter Handstand Walk
24/18 assault bike
8 Overhead Squats (85kg/60kg)
8 Power Snatches (85kg/60kg)
28/21 Cal Ski

Score: Time
Time cap: 14:00


The athletes highlighted in bold are members of The Progrm.

Luka DjukicJamie Simmonds
Giorgos KaravisAndrea Solberg
Moritz FiebigElena Carratalรก
Pedro MartinsGabriela Migaลa
Benoรฎt BoulangerAnikha Greer
Bronislaw OlenkowiczElisa Fuliano
Luis CuellarOda Lundekvam
Lucas HeuzeNicole Heer
Miko LilleorgMatilde Oyen Garnes
Nikolas SaraliotisErica Ekelund
Andrey FedotovLaura Clifton
Toby BucklandVรฅr Thurmann-Moe
Tiago LuzesKristin Holte
Alejandro De La GuardiaAline Wirz
Michal WesolowskiMaria Lรคngfors
Jan Arnd FinkenbergAndra Moistus
Iurii MarincencoLinda Keesman
Tola MorakinyoHannah Hardy
Victor HelsinghofMargaux Masset
Anestis ArtemisSusan Treppner
Jake DouglasDiana Pinchuk
Calum ClementsMaribel Gallardo
Anthony ChevalierSilvia Garcia
Ben FowlerBrittany Weiss
Radosล‚Aw Wrฤ™CzyckiHannah Black
Nika MaisuradzeValentina Magalotti
Gabi CastroEmily De Rooy
Grzegorz MaraszkiewiczGemma Hauck
Redouane El Ghadouini (invite)Karin Freyova (invite)
Spencer Panchik (invite)Julia Kato (invite)


Category Rx Individual (M/F)

1st $50,000
2nd $30,000
3rd $20,000
4th 10.000 $
5th 5.000 $
6th 2.500 $
7th to 20th 500 $

2023 Awards


1.- Karin Frey 702 50k
2.- Andrea Solberg 633 30k
3.- Claudia Gluck 619 20k
4.- Manon Angonese 552 10k
5.- Elisa Fuliano 549 5k
6.- Mia Hesketh 521 2.5k
7.- Emily Rolfe 520 500$
8.- Seher Kaya 508 500$
9.- Noortje Bleeker 499 500$
10.- Ingrid Hodnemyr 463 500$
