Kristof Horvath CrossFit Athlete

horvath kristof crossfit

Kristof Horvath is a Hungarian professional CrossFit Athlete who joined The Progrm in 2019.

Age: 25
Nationality: Hungarian
Where are you living: Mallorca
Height: 186cm
Weight: 102kg
Profession: Full time athlete / coach
CrossFit Affiliate: CrossFit C23
Instagram: @kristofhorvaht

Kristoff comes from a family with a huge love toward sports both of his parents being P.E teachers, they were introduced to a variety of activities very early on. Never pressured by them but always supportive on our choices whether playing basketball, climbing or choosing an instrument to play.

He played a lot of different kind of sports but never at a very high level, basketball and badminton was two disciplines that he followed for a longer time but he also rode a unicycle for a long time and did a little of rock climbing.

His first time in CrossFit was towards the end of high school and confesses that he just wanted to look good and CF seemed like a fun way to “get into shape” little did he knew it would take over his life very quickly.


Max Clean and Jerk: 160kg
Max Snatch: 127,5kg
Max unbroken RMU: 20
Quickest 5km Run or Row: Sub 17′ Row

kristoff horvath


5 times Hungarian's National Champion
Qualified for CrossFit Games 2020

kristof horvath height


Hardest workout you have ever done?

it’s hard to say I try to make the next workout the hardest each time I train.

Choose/Design 1 workout to beat anyone in the World

For time:
25 Deadlift @ 315lbs
50 wall ball’s @ 30lbs
75 cal Row

Who do you wish was watching you perform at every competition?

My dad

Favourite sports hero?

Israel Asesanya (ufc)

How does being an athlete make you a better person?

I’m not sure it necessarily does… it’s a very selfish profession, but it also teaches you to be appreciative of the people close to you as not many will understand what it takes.

Favourite song or playlist:

Anything Drake or new era rap/ hip-hop.

Top movie:

Adam Sandler movies crack me up so almost any of those films.

kristof Horvath weight

Best moment in your CrossFit career:

Any time I get to train with my team!

How do you celebrate after a competition?

I think I’m too exhausted after a long weekend of competition so I’d just go fo a restaurant with friends and crack a few Corona’s open.

Tips for someone who wants to become a professional CrossFit Athlete:

Be patient, results come fast at the beginning but to reach a high level you need to put in years of consistent work. Practice makes permanent so pay attention to how you move.

What do you tell yourself on days when you feel unmotivated/tired?

I love to train it’s a privilege every day to do what I love I am dedicated not necessarily motivated.

What goes through your head before entering the competition floor?

I am ready to run through a wall, there’s just think on execution not much else.

What are your goals in the close future (6 months – 1 year)?

I’d like to perform at the games to the highest of my abilities.

And distant future (5+ years)?

Keep training keep getting better building our team! Go back to the games and be competitive there!

John Singleton


John Singleton

John Singleton, the founder of The Progrm, is known for training elite athletes, including many of Europe’s top CrossFit Games competitors. With a Master’s degree in Osteopathy, John combines science-based programming with a focus on performance and recovery. Based in Mallorca, Spain, he leads a global community dedicated to helping athletes optimize performance and longevity in the sport.