The 2024 Masters CrossFit Games

master crossfit games 2024

The Masters CrossFit Games are scheduled to take place from August 29 to September 1, 2024, at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Centre in Birmingham, Alabama.

The leading athletes from the Age-Group Semi-finals advance to the Masters CrossFit Games, hosted by Legends, where the division champions are determined.

This year, Legends is introducing a new division exclusively for athletes aged 70 and above, which will debut at the Masters CrossFit Games. Since the 70+ category is not yet an official division in the CrossFit Open, invitations will be extended to the top 10 men and women aged 70+ from the 65+ division, based on their Quarterfinals performances, as long as they did not qualify for the Games in the 65+ division by the cut-off dates.

Dates: August 29 – Sept 1st 2024
Location: Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex, Birmingham, Alabama
Leaderboard: Official
Website โ€“
Instagram โ€“ @thelegendschampionship

Event Schedule

The Masters CrossFit Games 2024 will be held on August 29th, 30th, 31st and September 1st.

Where to watch the Masters CrossFit Games 2024

You can watch most of the competition live on the Legends Championship YouTube channel or, and follow along on the Legends Championship Instagram page

Official Livestream

YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video

Masters CrossFit Games 2024 Workouts

4 Rounds for time:
RD1 5 deadlifts
RD2 10 deadlifts
RD3 15 deadlifts
RD4 20 deadlifts
Time cap 18 minutes
Run distance and weights depend on age division

Age DivisionRun (metres)Deadlift 
35-39600180/255 lb, 116/82kg
40-44600180/255 lb, 116/82kg
45-49600165/245 lb, 75/111kg
50-54600165/245 lb, 75/111kg
55-59500155/225 lb, 70/102kg
60-64400135/195 lb, 61/89kg
65-69400115/175 lb, 52/79kg

4 Rounds for time:
(12 minute cap)
4 Rope climbs
6 Sandbag cleans 150/100lb 68/45kg
40′ /12m Handstand walk (35-59 age divisions)

Age DivisionRope ClimbSandbagHandstand Walk
35-394 x 15'/4.5m6 X 100/150lb/ 45/68kg40 feet / 12 metre
40-444 x 15'/4.5m6 (100/150lb) 45/68kg40 feet / 12 metre
45-494 x 15'/4.5m6 (100/150lb 45/68kg40 feet / 12 metre
50-543 x 15'/4.5m6 (100/150) 45/68kg40 feet / 12 metre
55-593 x 15'/4.5m6 (50/100) 22/45kg20 feet / 6 metre
60-643 x 15'/4.5m6 (50/100) 22/45kgN/A
65-693 x12'/3.6m6 (50/100) 22/45kgN/A

For time:
(3 minute time cap)
25 OH squats
80'/25m DB walking lunge
25 OH squats

Age DivisionOverhead Squats Dumbbell Lunge 
35-3955/75 lb 25/34 kg35/50 lb, 15/22kg
40-4455/75 lb 25/34 kg35/50 lb, 15/22kg
45-4955/75 lb 25/34 kg35/50 lb, 15/22kg
50-5455/75 lb 25/34 kg35/50 lb, 15/22kg

For time
(Time cap 2 minutes, Tiebreak: Time at successful lift at third weight).
Snatch Speed Ladder
4 at weight 1
3 at weight 2
2 at weight 3
1 at weight 1

Age DivisionWomen Men 
35-3995/115/135/155 lb
135/165/195/225 lb
40-4495/115/125/145 lb
135/165/185/215 lb
45-4990/110/120/140 lb
130/150/175/205 lb
50-5485/105/115/135 lb
130/150/175/195 lb
55-5975/85/105/115 lb
115/135/150/170 lb
60-6465/75/80/90 lb
105/115/135/145 lb
65-6955/60/65/70 lb
95/105/125/135 lb

For time
(Time cap 15 minutes)
75 Wallballs
40 Shoulder to OH
30 DB step overs
40 DB snatch
75 Wallballs
6/9kg BB: 115/80lb 52/36kg
BOX: 24/20″ DB: 50/35lb 22/15kg

Age DivisionWall-BallShoulder-to-OverheadBox Step-OversDumbbell Snatch
35-3914/20 lb, 6/9kg
9/10 feet 2.7/3m
80/115 lb
20/24 inches35/50 lb
40-4414/20 lb, 6/9kg
9/10 feet, 2.7/3m
80/115 lb
20/24 inches35/50 lb
45-4914/20 lb, 6/9kg
9/10 feet, 2.7/3m
75/110 lb
20/24 inches35/50 lb
50-5414/20 lb, 6/9kg
9/10 feet, 2.7/3m
70/105 lb
20/24 inches,35/50 lb
55-5914/20 lb, 6/9kg
9/10 feet,
65/95 lb
20/24 inches,20/35 lb,

10/14 lb, 4/6kg
9/10 feet, 2.7/3m
55/85 lb
20/24 inches,20/35 lb,
65+10/14 lb, 4/6kg
9/10 feet, 2.7/3m
45/75 lb
20/24 inches,20/35 lb,

RD1: 4 min work, 1 min rest
RD2: 3 min work, 1 min rest
RD3 2 min work
For completion: 105/80 Echo Bike cals
Buy In:
Each round starts with 75 double unders, 20 chest to bar pull ups

Age DivisionDouble-undersChest-to-Bar Pull-upsEcho Bike
35-39752080/105 cal.
40-44752080/105 cal. 
45-49752065/95 cal.
50-54751565/95 cal.
55-59601555/85 cal.
60-64501055/85 cal.
65-693010 (Pull-ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups)45/75 cal.

For time:
(12 minute time cap)
30 Clean and jerk
30 Ring muscle up
30 Snatch

Age GroupClean and JerkRing Muscle-upSnatch
35-3995/135 lb, 43/61 kg3095/135 lb,43/61 kg
40-4495/135 lb, 43/61 kg3095/135 lb, 43/61 kg
45-49*95/135 lb, 43/61 kg2595/135 lb, 43/61 kg
50-54*95/135 lb, 43/61 kg2595/135 lb, 43/61 kg

*45-54 do 25/25/25 reps

8 Rounds for time:
(8 minute time cap)
8 Bar facing burpees
8 Toes to bar
1 Clean

Age DivisionBurpeesToes-to-BarsClean
35-3988180/255lb, 82/116 kg
40-4488180/255lb, 82/116 kg
45-4988170/245lb, 82/116 kg
50-5488155/225lb, 52/57kg

5 minutes to establish:
1 rep max
Front Squat

For time:
(8 minute time cap)
Single arm DB thruster
Bar muscle up

Age DivisionThrustersBar MU (reps)
35-3950/70 lb, 22/32 kg8-12-16
40-4450/70 lb, 22/32 kg8-12-16
45-4935/60 lb, 15/27kg8-12-16
50-5435/50 lb 15/22kg8-12-16
55-5935/50 lb 15/22kg6-10-14
60-6435/50 lb 15/22kg4-6-8
65-6935/50 lb 15/22kg4-6-8

The Progrm Athletes to Watch Out For

Sona Karaskova Czech Republic

2024 participants

35-39 yrs old male
Mike Egan Canada
Will Moorad United States
Blas Ruiz Gonzalez Spain
Henry Matthews United States
Piotr Mielczarek Poland
Simon Paquette Canada
Mitch Wagner United States
Brandon Pastorek United States
Will Kane United Kingdom
Stefano Migliorini Italy
Paul Tremblay Canada
Elijah Muhammad United States
Kevin Schuetz United States
Gary Helmick United States
Craig Kenney United States
Nicholas Anapolsky Canada
Julien Lopez France
Jimmy Woodard United States
Sergey Krys Ukraine
Andrea Barbotti Italy
Bronislaw Olenkowicz Poland
Ivan Verdun Argentina
Kyle Ruth United States
Adam Vinson United States
Gary Jones United States
Jayson Lucas Canada
Stephane Cossette Canada
Anthony Vorachak United States
Michael Hernandez United States
Hudson Fricke United States
Anthony Vazquez United States
Dominick Maurici United States
Carlos Albaladejo Korea, Republic of
Mark Hutchinson United States
Dex Hopkins United States
Chase Smith United States
Caio Moyses Brazil

35-39 yrs female
Jasmine Sheehan Canada
Hayley Murillo United States
Alison Stall United States
Emilia Leppรคnen Finland
Haj Bell United States
Sami Scorzelli United States
Em Day Gooch United Kingdom
Mekenzie Riley United States
Andrea Nisler United States
Vivian Aiello Bomfim Brazil
Dina Swift South Africa
Caroline Kluttz United States
Nadia Gracio Portugal
Chelsey Hughes United States
Rachel Lynass United States
Julia Holm United States
Belinda Bekker Netherlands
Amy Morton Canada
Camila Murakami Brazil
Angelica Bengtsson Sweden
Tammy Gyorkos United States
Juliana Braz Portugal
Sona Karaskova Czech Republic
Alizee Andreani France
Carole Castellani France
Dallila Benfica Brazil
Katie Sharritt United States
Kseniia Trubetskaia Asia
Melody Andreani France
Emily Morin United States
Kelcy Ware United States
Hollye Henderson United States
Sheree Willcox Australia
Antea Longo Italy
Francesca Marchiori Italy
Lacey Truelove Canada
Jana Poppe Germany
Laura Stevenson Canada
El Debs Christelle France
Kelly Clark United States