Understanding Strength 

In CrossFit, strength is typically trained using compound exercises which require the use of multiple muscle groups. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and presses are foundational to CrossFit and are used in many of the workouts. By building strength in these movements, athletes can improve their performance in these workouts and develop a stronger overall fitness base.

What is Strength?

Strength is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force against a resistance. It is a fundamental physical attribute that is essential for many activities of daily living, athletic performance, and overall health and fitness.

Strength is developed through resistance training, which involves lifting weights or using other forms of resistance to challenge the muscles and stimulate adaptation. Progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the weight or resistance used over time, is a key principle of strength training.

How is Strength important in CrossFit?

In CrossFit, strength is an essential component of fitness because it allows athletes to perform movements with more weight, intensity, and efficiency. Having a solid strength foundation can help an athlete to move more weight during workouts, which can lead to improved performance and better results.

Strength is also important for injury prevention. Building strength in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments can help to stabilize joints and prevent common injuries that occur in high-intensity training.

In addition to physical benefits, strength training can also have mental and emotional benefits. The process of building strength requires discipline, persistence, and focus, which can carry over into other areas of life and help athletes to build confidence and resilience.

How can I get stronger?

So the million dollar question is: “How can we get stronger?”. The thing is, it depends. The first step is understanding that there are different types of strength. As far as CrossFit goes, there are several types of strength that are important:

Absolute Strength: This type of strength is indicative of the maximum amount of weight a person can lift in a single effort, regardless of body weight. It's important in CrossFit because many of the exercises, such as the Deadlift, Squat, and Overhead Press, require an individual to lift heavy weights.

Relative Strength: This refers to the amount of weight a person can lift relative to their body weight. It's important in CrossFit because many of the exercises, such as the Pull-Up, Handstand Push-Up, and Muscle-Up, require an individual to move their own body weight.

Power: Power can be defined by the ability to generate force quickly. It's important in CrossFit because many of the exercises, such as the Box Jump and the Power Clean, require an individual to generate force quickly.

Strength Endurance: involves being able to perform many repetitions of an exercise without fatigue. It's important in CrossFit because many of the workouts, such as “Fran” and “Grace,” require an individual to perform many repetitions of exercises like pull-ups and thrusters.

Hypertrophy: This type of training focuses on an increase in muscle size. It's important in CrossFit because having larger muscles can help increase overall strength, power, and endurance.

Overall, the different types of strength are important in CrossFit because they are used in various ways in the different exercises and workouts, and having a balance of all of them can lead to better performance and results.

How do you train for different types of strength?

Now that we know a little bit more about different types of strength, let’s look at some of the ways we can develop them. Training for different types of strength requires specific programming, exercise selection, and attention to rest periods. Here are some general guidelines on how to train for each type of strength:

Develop absolute strength by implementing compound lifts that use multiple muscle groups, such as the deadlift, squat, and bench press into your training. Training with heavy loads and low repetitions is also essential for building absolute strength. A typical training program for absolute strength might include sets of 1-5 reps with weights that are 85-100% of an individual's one-rep max (1RM).

To improve relative strength, it's important to focus on bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, dips, and handstand push-ups. Using gymnastics rings and parallettes can also help improve relative strength. To build relative strength, athletes should aim for higher repetitions with good form. A typical training program for relative strength might include sets of 8-15 reps with bodyweight or weighted exercises.

Developing power requires attention to explosive movements such as Olympic weightlifting, box Jumps, and plyometric exercises. Training with moderate to heavy loads and low to moderate repetitions with high velocity is essential for building power. A typical training program for power might include sets of 1-5 reps with weights that are 70-90% of an individual's 1RM.

Gaining strength endurance means performing high repetition exercises with lower loads, such as Kettlebell Swings, Wall Balls, and Burpees. Circuit-style workouts and AMRAPs (as many rounds/reps as possible) can also be effective for building endurance strength. A typical training program for endurance strength might include sets of 15-30 reps with lighter weights or bodyweight exercises.

Hypertrophy training involves using moderate to high repetitions with moderate to heavy loads. Isolation exercises such as bicep curls and tricep extensions can also be effective for building muscle size. A typical training program for hypertrophy might include sets of 8-12 reps with weights that are 60-80% of an individual's 1RM.

It's important to note that these guidelines are just general recommendations and that the specifics of a training program will vary depending on an individual's goals, experience, and fitness level. Working with a qualified CrossFit coach or personal trainer can help an individual develop a personalized training program that addresses their specific needs and goals.


Overall, strength is an essential component of fitness and is important for athletes of all levels in CrossFit. By focusing on building different types of strength through targeted programming and proper technique, athletes can improve their performance, prevent injury, and develop a stronger overall fitness base.