CrossFit Open 24.2

24.2 crossfit open

The 2024 CrossFit Open will follow with the announcement of Open Workout 24.2 on Thursday, March 7th.

Location: Boise, Idaho, USA
Live Show: 20.30 CET
Open Workout 24.2 Announced: 21.00 CET

Two-time CrossFit Games Champ, Justin Medeiros and four-time CrossFit Games athlete, Colten Mertens were the first to throw down in 24.2. The event was live at Justin's “Shred Shed” in Boise, Idaho, USA.

WWE star Seth Rollins brought the bling and took to the mic to announce the workout. Seth Rollins (who is registered for The Open under the name Colby Lopez) has participated in The Open every year since 2013.

open crossfit 24.2

How to watch 24.2

24.2 was streamed live on the CrossFit Games website and the CrossFit Games YouTube channel.

YouTube video

What is the CrossFit Open 24.2?

As many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300 metre row
10 deadlifts 
50 double-unders
125 lb / 56 kg ♂ 185 lb / 83 kg

First thoughts

Consistency is going to be the name of the game.

Don’t try to make up time on the rower, the distance is too short to truly make a difference. Instead use it as recovery so you can push the other movements.

The deadlifts should be touch and go. If you have to break make sure you follow the mantra “short set, short rest”.

The double-unders are where you can truly make a difference in this workout but only if you stay focused and push the speed pedal. 

In 20 minutes you will be going through A LOT of rounds and A LOT of transitions: make sure you are disciplined and not wasting precious seconds.

Warm up

2 Rounds of:

4 Jefferson curls with rotations
8 Rolling straddle stretch
16 Plate jumps
16 sec dead hang (Hang from bar)

1:30 min easy machine
1:30 min SU
1:00 min Moderate machine
1:00 min SU
0:30 sec hard machine
0:30 sec DU

Specific warm up

2 rounds:
5 Reps of each: 
⁠Stiff leg deadlift
⁠Deadlift w. 3 sec at knees
⁠TNG deadlift

1st round with an empty barbell

Add 20-40 kg for the 2nd round.

Then perform 1 full round with the pacing you have in mind.

Pacing strategy

This workout is about patience: starting off too hot won’t pay off long term. Instead, start with a set pace from the beginning and keep it until the end: consistency is key on this one.

Row – If you know your FTP or 5K pace you can use it as a reference for this 20min.

Deadlift – If the deadlifts are light for you, keep it unbroken and smooth, if not start breaking in half from the 1st round, you shouldn’t need to grind on the deadlifts. 

DU – Ideally it would be kept unbroken for all the workout. If you struggle with big sets you should plan to break them up early on. 

Specific movement strategies

Row: focus on efficiency and towards the end just sell your soul to the pain cave while remembering it’s 300m and 30 reps up for grabs, it will be over sooner than you expect. 

YouTube video

Deadlifts: should be semi-stiff-legged for as long as possible to allow for the smallest ROM. This means you will still be able to do quick TNG reps but tax your quads the least amount possible.

DU: keep a good spinning rope and a relaxed grip on the rope handle. Pay attention to form, as soon as you get sloppy you will be more likely to trip.  

For the high achievers

There is really no escape in the workout, you will have to hold a high sustainable split on the row (1:45 Males / 1:55-2:00 Females).

The deadlifts will be unbroken.

This workout will probably come down to your consistency and capacity on the double-unders.

For the rest

Use a relaxed pace on the row, as going hard here will not be rewarded relative to the other movements.

For the deadlifts if you can you should go TNG. However, a “short set, short rest” strategy can also get a good time.

Really the workout will come down to your capacity on the double-unders, therefore here is where you need to stay disciplined and push for that high score. But if you find yourself tripping don’t panic: more stress means a higher chance of tripping again. Take a deep breath and get back to it without letting it affect you mentally.

Equipment set-up

There is no required floor plan. However transitions will matter so keep everything close.

Rules to remember

Take note of the submission deadline for this workout as the clocks change due to Daylight Saving Time in the United States on Sunday. This means that for anyone living in CET zone that the deadline becomes 1am, not 2am. Submit your score early if you can.

Gymnastics grips are NOT allowed during this workout. 

Athletes may receive assistance resetting the rower between rounds.

YouTube video

There is no tiebreak.

During the row, 10 metres = 1 rep, rounded down (e.g. 237 metres = 23 reps). 

If time expires during the row, record your score when the monitor has come to rest. 

Barbell, plates and collars.

Concept2 rower. No other type of rower is allowed. 


Standing up from the rower prior to reaching 300 metres. ´

Starting the round without resetting the monitor to 0. 


Lowering the barbell before reaching full extension of the knees or hips. 

Finishing with the head and/or shoulders in front of the bar. 

Deliberately bouncing the bar.

Hot tips

  • Use the row as your recovery.
  • If you must break the deadlifts go for “short sets, short rest”.
  • The double-unders are going to be the score makers of this workout: don’t get sloppy with form and pick up as much speed as possible.
  • Stay disciplined on the transitions and avoid wasting time.

Recovery protocol
